Ahmadinejad’s Rant is a Song for the New World Order

Carolyn Lanham
September 28, 2010

The president of Iran is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who
stresses the need for a New World Order just as the Bushes called for and now
President Obama seeks.  The President of Iran spoke before the United Nations
and boldly proclaimed that 911 was an inside job of the U..S government and then

Thus the President of Iran is a puppet of the World Master Planners playing his
role across the world stage in order to discredit 911 truthers who seek justice
for the victims murdered on that treasonous day.  Glenn Beck adds to the
script by discrediting 911 truthers and Rupert Murdock, the globalist who gave
lots of money to Hillary (CFR) who is Glenn’s boss (CFR) continues
to heap more molten melted steel on anyone that takes Glenn’s advice to

They’re all on the SAME New World Order team!!!!!!

Dick Cheney the planner who told our interceptors to stand down on 911 while
phony drill distractions were going is director of the Council on Foreign
Relations and he trades in nuclear technology with Iran as was done
with Saddam and Bin Laden .  They are all New World Order chess
players---the President of Iran calls for the UN the very housing for the
globalist New World Order government to investigate 911—instead of calling
for an independent investigation by engineers, scientists, government
whistle blowers etc.or even those who walked off the commission as a set up—
The object of this is to discredit and attempt to minimize the great strides
the 911 truth movement is achieving as the public is being made aware of the
real facts---

911 was used to triple the size of government and set up a covert Police
State via the Patriot Act and the Hitlarian  Homeland Security monstrosity
that has transformed every American into targets as domestic terrorists.

Carolyn Lanham

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