Michele Bachmann: "Obama is Binding the United States to a Global Economy"

Mark Matheny

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R) MN appeared on the Bill O'reilly Show on June 30, 2010 stating that Barack Obama was in fact attempting to bind the United States to a global economy
"President Obama is trying to bind the United States into a global economy, where all the nations got together on a global economy, I don't want the United States to be in a global economy...where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe ... we can't necessarilly trust the decisions that are being made in other countries".

This statement was made in reference to the recent G 20 (Gangters 20) meeting that was held in Toronto Canada. Of course, Obama -Long Legged Mac Daddy that he is- and not being content with the Billions (trillions?) in stimulus that he and the Fed have already distributed to who knows where! ..was at the G 20 meeting trying to convince the other countries to join in on the stimulus Jamboree!

Obviously Congresswoman Bachmann is wise enough (along with Ron Paul) to know that it is one thing to trade with other countries, but it is a whole different can of worms to start making economic ties to these countries! The only problem with the argument is simply that we are in up to our elbows in a global economy with contributions to the UN, IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization and the list goes on!

America is now between the proverbial rock and a hard place - to the left, more stimulus until we print ourselves into total fiat collaspe!- and to the right, an austerity vat tax cardiac arrest!!

Damn these Globalists!!!

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