January 31, 2010

To whom it may concern --------
Being a Veteran in the fight to Preserve Our Liberties and a guardian in the defense of our Constitution has led me to reflect on the brave souls of past days who sacrificed and with much dedication forged and bulldozed the path for present day patriots. They suffered the smears, lies, name-calling and concerted efforts of the enemies of freedom to silence them.
Among them of course would be many individuals and of course the group in the forefront, The John Birch Society, is an organization with truth as a weapon and education as their total strategy. How well I remember the published works of Robert Welsh, Founder of the John Birch Society, and his speeches I attended. The magazine 'American Opinion' ( now 'The New American') a publication I couldn't wait to recieve and would read cover to cover the very day it arrived in my mailbox. The writers were such a treat, the manner in which they wrote, with a gift to help the hard factual 'medicine' of truth go down. The generous supply of 'meaty' informational articles, the substance of which I chew on to this very day coming from the creative minds of Alan Stang, Gary Allen, E Merrill Root etc, and from Robert Welsh himself.
I remember getting my first issue when I thought I was reading a different language - My past courses in 'Problems of Democracy' in the government brain laundry factories had not prepared me sufficiently to tackle this new found source of 'meaty' information flow. Being horribly economic, the surge of truthful information flowing through my veins invigorated me, and I was hooked into self mode Conspiracy Civics Class along with others who sensed something was wrong in our beloved country, and that 'it' wasn't happening by accident.
These fine gentilemen warriors, authors, and speakers - many of whom I have met - and especially Robert Welsh, were not afraid to step out front- to speculate, to forecast based on past factual information and events-or to expose those who were a part of the globalist CONSPIRACY. Oh- there's that word that some novices who have come into the movement would have us delete down the Orwellian memory hole so as to appeal to the masses in order to get our message to them so they will accept it more easily.
How sad that now we have those in our midst who would want to water down the truth message- I am an example of why this compromising strategy is a failure and a 'deathbed' approach, as well as an insult to Robert Welsh and his memory. I suggest we go back and read some of his works and back issues of American Opinion to see how far we have succumbed to this shameful thinking and cowardly strategy. Robert Welsh was not a member of the "Let's Be Safe" limited message society, nor the " Let's not talk Conspiracy" message of compromise who harp that we shouldn't say certain perimeters in order to reach potential freedom fighting prospects. What these mental slugs and cowards are really saying is "Let's throw Robert Welsh under the globalist bus" in order to get the message out.
Such thinking and strategy encompasses some of the following---
- "Let's not call it conspiracy or use the word"
- "Let's not question 9/11 prior knowedge, or even question this horrendous act of treason"
- "Let's not speculate or expose those in the media who get their paychecks written by their boss who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations- after all, he does give out a lot of good information. So what if he wants a Constitutional Convention!" (Good info laced with 1% arsenic is still deadly)
- "There's a lot of erroneous material out there on the net" ( So Surf and sift)
- "Let's not bother with those dreadful FEMA Camps, if they even exist - investigating them- what a waste ( tell that to the German People) they were just fusion centers."
Here's just a few other topics some would like to throw under the bus:
- Chemtrails
- weather modification
- Government complicity in drug running ( But just say no)
- Mind control
- Computerized vote fraud (Don't forget to write your Bought and Paid for preselected Politician)
- CIA drug smuggling
- Government sponsored False Flag terrorism
- etc, etc, and on and on.
Well, let's just deal with things we can prove.
Did Robert Welsh have this mindset???? Read The Politician and the rest of his writings, and his brilliant commentaries on the signs of the times- and then let's get busy and sharpen our swords and throw the true slugs and those who wish to be 'respectable' instead of warriors under the bus, and put Robert Welsh back in the driver's seat- his memories live on and his printed words speak volumes.
Carolyn Lanham, -Thank you Robert Welsh.
1 comment:
Contrary to what you wrote, the Birch Society does not deal in "truth" -- which is why they lost an historic precedent-setting libel lawsuit and paid Chicago lawyer Elmer Gertz $100,000 in compensatory damages and $300,000 in punitive damages. Punitive damages are only permitted when "malice" can be shown, i.e. "reckless disregard for truth".
For further details about the ABSENCE of "truth" in JBS ideas, see the following report which reveals why J. Edgar Hoover and senior FBI officials concluded that the JBS was "extremist", "irrational" and "irresponsible":
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