December 24, 2009
By Mark Matheny
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity." -David Rockefeller, June 5, 1991 speaking at a Bilderberg Meeting in Sand GermanyWhen I was growing up, there were saturday cartoons which I would wake up eagerly to watch. In between the different cartoons there would be instructional cartoons-one of which would teach valuable lessons to children all over the country who would be watching. One phrase taught by a super hero would be "Knowing is half the Battle!" Apparently, if we at least knew of a problem, we would then be able to work at a solution.
In today's world, this lesson holds very true. If a doctor can come to know of a problem and correctly identify it, he can then begin to determine a solution whether it be medicine or surgery. In the same way our government can solve problems if they know what the root of the problem is.
There are those in high places, however, who have a plan to consolidate economic and political power on a global scale, who also want to do so while withholding this knowledge from the masses in order to prevent the masses from stopping such a drastic move.
David Rockefeller, among other elitists knew that they would have to control the media in order to shade or cover their true goal of world domination. News and journalism in its purest form should seek to inform the public so that the public then can take some action to prepare, or correct some problem when it develops. News is meant to inform us in an unbiased way, so that we may have a clear view of the events that are shaping our world. It is often said that "Knowledge is power", and this is the reason that those who have a desire to control us also have a desire to control the media.
Of course there are many news agencies to choose from now days, and so the average American feels confident they are being well informed about the world around them. But are we being informed if those many news agencies are all under the unbrella of a dominating cartel? Over the past decade there have been several mergers that have taken place so that a majority of the News and Entertainment media are now under the control of a few transnational conglomerates. Companies such as AOL Time Warner, Disney, News Corp, Viacom, and Sony.
Is it any wonder that we hear the same news on every channel we turn to? Try it sometime- turn to a news channel and watch the main three stories they cover, and then turn to another station, and you will more than likely hear about the same three stories. Sometimes they are almost word for word.Passive media consumers generally don't understand the extent to which the cartel limits their options. For example, Viacom owns both the CBS and UPN television networks, as well as Showtime, MTV, Paramount Pictures, and Simon & Schuster Books. Disney owns the ABC, A&E, and Lifetime networks, co-owns ESPN, and operates Disney's well-known motion picture properties. AOL Time Warner is not only the world's largest internet service provider, but also owns the CNN, TNT, TBS, and HBO networks, Warner Brother studios, and a host of publishing ventures. - The New American, Vol. 19, No.3 February 10, 2003, pg 9 article: 'No Channels,No Choice'.
As a salesman, I used to drive to people's homes in order to sell a product to them. I would have a prepared presentation in which I would slowly convince them that my company, product, and price were all the solution to their problem. It would be important for me to gain their trust, and to make them aware of the problems they were currently experiencing. I would in effect present a 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' presentation in order to win them as a customer.
Throughout the presentation, I would get them to commit to various aspects of my company, my product, and ultimately to my final price. The presentation would usually take 2 or three hours, and if I took shortcuts in my pitch, I would usually walk out empty handed.
Today, in the news world we also have salesmen (and women) who come into our homes in order to sell us on an idea or issue. Usually these issues in some way, shape, or form lead us to side with the establishment's goal of global governance. These salesmen and women are refered to as "shills."
What is a shill- you may ask?
A shill is an associate of a person selling goods or services or a political group, who pretends no association to the seller/group and assumes the air of an enthusiastic customer. The intention of the shill is, using crowd psychology, to encourage others unaware of the set-up to purchase said goods or services or support the political group's ideological claims. Shills are often employed by confidence artists. The term plant is also used. -Wikipedia
Topics such as War, Taxes, Flu vaccinations, and Stimuluses are shown to the public as vital to support in order to keep a "crisis from becoming a catastrophe", yet they won't tell the public that these very same issues are costing us trillions of dollars, and are all unnecessary if we would just abide by the constitution. Wars wouldn't be long and drawn out, (if they were even necesssary in the first place), and if necessary, they would be declared by congress and settled quickly, as a true budget would not support these current wars. Taxes would not be hidden in the form called inflation because we wouldn't have a Central Bank called the "Federal Reserve" that could print money out of thinair in the first place! But yet the 'spin doctors' on the nightly news teach us that "War is Peace" and "Freedom is Slavery" when they portray the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan as necessary to our national security! Tapping our phones and monitoring every transaction, or internet site we look at is somehow keeping us free!
Here are a few more definitions which will clarify the true job of a shill in various ways:
Shills in journalism
The term is applied metaphorically to journalists or commentators who have vested interests in or associations with parties in a controversial issue. Usually this takes the form of a show or network pretending to be offering news when in fact they are simply repeating talking points offered by a political party. Journalistic ethics require full disclosure of conflicts of interest, and of any interference by other parties with the reportage. -Wikipedia
Critical shills
Sometimes shills may be used to downplay legitimate complaints posted by users on the Internet. See Spin (public relations) and sock puppet (internet). -Wikipedia
Spin (public relations)
In public relations, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing an interpretation of an event or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against a certain organization or public figure. While traditional public relations may also rely on creative presentation of the facts, "spin" often, though not always, implies disingenuous, deceptive and/or highly manipulative tactics.
Politicians are often accused by their opponents of claiming to be honest and seek the truth while using spin tactics to manipulate public opinion. -Wikipedia
"Burying bad news": announcing one popular thing at the same time as several unpopular things, hoping that the media will focus on the popular one.
State-run media in many countries also engage in spin by only allowing news stories that are favorable to the government while censoring anything that could be considered critical.
(pejorative) To promote or endorse in return for payment, especially dishonestly. -Wictionary
- 1996, Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World,
Today there are even commercials in which real scientists, some of considerable distinction, shill for corporations. They teach that scientists too will lie for money. As Tom Paine warned, inuring us to lies lays the groundwork for many other evils. -WictionaryYou will notice a few things about all of these shills in the news, whether they are on the Left or the Right, the all try to discredit key issues that are important to those who seek after true liberty. Some of these issues are:
- The truth about 9/11: They will call those who wish to have another investigation (those refered to as 9/11 truthers) wackos, nuts, racists, and terrorists in effect. Often times they will invite "9/11 truthers" on TV, only to yell at and discredit them on the air, so making all those who would want an investigation look un-American, psychotic, or extremist.
- National Healthcare: Again those who would oppose this issue are painted as uncaring towards the poor, or out for insurance companies and special interests groups. Those who speak out at the Town Hall meetings are refered to as terrorists, Nazis and even "astroturf" (Nancy Pelosi said this). One thing that is never mentioned by either side is whether congress even has the right to be nationalizing healthcare!Those who attend the "Tea Parties" are called "Tea Baggers" (a sexually explicit term used by media shills to make fun of, and to discredit the people bringing up real issues that the astablishment wishes to avoid).
- The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: News Agencies such as Fox News are really hardcore about supporting the "war on Terror" and insist that it is patriotic to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan to "preserve democracy." (Notice too, that it's a 'Democracy' that we are protecting and not the 'Republic' that we pledged alliance to.) If you are against the wars, then you are unpatriotic. When Ron Paul spoke of "blowback" because of the foreign policy of America towards Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, Rudy Guilliani tried to make Ron Paul look as though he was un-American. The networks covering the elections all seemed to marginalize Ron Paul because he was against the agenda of the "Neo-cons" and the military industrial complex. The 'spin' here is again, "War is Peace."
- On the issue of Obama's elidgibility: Here is another issue that will not be touched with a ten-foot pole by the media shills. If it is ever mentioned at all, it is painted in such a ridiculous hue of sarcasm that those questioning this very relevant issue are also painted as racist, or as sore losers because a democrat won the office. The term "Birthers" is used for the group of people concerned about the status of Barack Obama, and is spoken in a derogatory manner in order to downplay the severity of the implications behind the question of Obama's elidgiblity.
Burying the news is another tool of the shill. A good example of this was the day Michael Jackson died. Every media channel covered the event as if the President was the subject instead of a singer. All the while, the Pope was giving a speech calling for a "World Economic Order"!! How many of the average people on the street knew anything about the Pope's speech? I'm confident in saying that a majority knew nothing about it (and probably still to this day know nothing of it), but they can tell you all about the pomp and ceremony that went on with Michael Jackson's funeral arrangements, tribute, etc.
Another example was a story that was published on December 26, 2001 in an Egyptian paper about the death and the funeral of Osama Bin Laden!!!! How many news agencies covered this in America? How many Americans are there that have ever seen this article? This of course, if true, would have spoiled the plan of finding Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan would it not? What excuse would the elitists used for invading Afghanistan then? Whether or not the account is true- wouldn't it have been on the front cover of the papers if news such as this would have somehow furthered the cause of those plotting for a "New World Order"?
Even the whole Global Warming Scandal was pushed by shills who covered up evidence to push the agenda of Global Warming in order to bring all nations under a carbon tax and regulations that will in effect lead to Global Government. Here's what Carl Sagan said once in 1996, but describes the 'ClimateGate' shill tactic well:
1996, Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World,
Today there are even commercials in which real scientists, some of considerable distinction, shill for corporations. They teach that scientists too will lie for money. As Tom Paine warned, inuring us to lies lays the groundwork for many other evils. -Wictionary
Often, those who are considered to be conservatives or Republican will often get their news from Fox News, which is considered to be a right leaning alternative to CNN and other establishment news. However, it is important to note that Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Fox News is the showpiece property of News Corp, a transnational media empire owned by Australian expatriate - and CFR member - Rupert Murdoch. The $38 billion Murdoch global empire (which includes the New York Post and half dozen major news publishers) was built on a foundation of Fleet Street tabloids in London. Fox Broadcasting Company's primetime entertainment programs rely heavily on titillation and "edgy" sexual content. ...Conservatives and liberals alike regard Murdoch's Fox News Channel as a right leaning alternative to CNN and the network evening news.....Fox News boasts the motto, "We report-you decide," which many percieve as a commitment to independence and objectivity. But that credo can also be viewed as a variation on the New York Times' motto, "All the News that's Fit to Print," after all, who decides what is reported by Fox News? Do Murdoch's Insider connections and calculations of corporate self-interest play a gatekeeping role in defining Fox's news coverage? Murdoch's media track record abroad demonstrates that he's very much in the business of dispensing managed media. - The New American, Vol. 19, No.3, February 10, 2003, pg 11, article: Many Channels,No Choice.This is why it is so important to understand that there are alternatives to the establishment news. The internet is a very important source of news to any American who wants to awaken out of the trance that the controlled media has been keeping them in. There are many great sites that you can get your news from on the internet. You can read multiple versions of an event or issue so that you can judge the veracity of an issue, and determine the motive of the source. In this way, you will become an informed American who can properly defend himself against the onslaught of Shills that are out to get the masses to follow them. It reminds me of the fairy tale of the "Pied Piper", who played a sweet melody and led all the rats out of the city to their demise.
So whether they are called Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, or Republican-
A Shill By Any Other Name, Is Still A Shill.
Mark Matheny.
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