December 3, 2009
Mark Matheny
Today is Dec. 3, and I check my visitor's report on a daily basis to see how much progress I've made to inform people in the world of the emerging Global Government. I started this Blogsite on September 30,2009 in an effort to give my contribution in the fight against a "New World Order". I never really thought about politics or the global implications behind the forces of government in my past, but with the Presidency of Bush, and now that of Barack Obama, I began to feel the need to be informed of the world around me.
What led me to the understanding that a world government was indeed emerging was the Bible itself. I've been a student of it for at least 17yrs, (that's when I began to intensely study), and have a friend that I talk to often about the unfolding of the prophesies which the ancient Book speaks of. I became very worried when Obama was elected as the President of the United States. (This of course had nothing to do with his ethnicity, but his lack of experience in Congress and foreign affairs, etc.) I always remember a quote of the Reverend Martin Luther King who said, "Do not judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." As I learned more about Obama, I began to feel a need to tell others about the possibility of him being an extreme Leftist who has been picked by certain elitists and groomed for the very purpose of pushing America into a world government through wealth redistribution and disintegration of our national boundaries.

I now have visitors from 43 different countries, and a total of 1,730 hits on my site! You might say that I am only starting to break the ice compared to blogsites and websites that get that many in a day! But I am excited because I look at each hit on my site as a new person somewhere in the world who I have personally made contact with, and may have enlightened in some way. Of course there have been times where I feel like my site is a failure because of the small amount of visits so far, but my friend has reminded me that there are that many more people in the world who might not have come to this knowledge otherwise, and that makes the site worth the research and time. At first I was afraid to start the site out of fear that I might make a mistake or be looked at as a nut or something, but the saying of a Rabbi I once read about has always stuck in my mind somehow, and has given me courage to make decisions that I would otherwise feel uneasy doing.
“People often avoid making decisions out of fear of making a mistake. Actually, the failure to make decisions is one of life’s biggest mistakes.”- Rabbi Noah Weinberg, 48 Ways To Wisdom, Way #4
So in short I want to thank every person who has become a follower of the site, and everyone who visits on a regular basis. I hope that you will continue to do so. I would like to invite everyone to feel free to leave a comment on any of the stories you might read here. It's important for others to here your opinions and comments on these issues, even if they seem controversial or critical. Freedom of expression is vital to defeating the New World Order, and the last thing they want to hear is everyone's view! They want us as "sheep" to be led along blindly into there perverted view of how the world should be ran. That's why it's so important to do your part.
Rabbi Tarfon said:
"It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to desist from it."
Pirke Avot Ch 2:21
Below is a list of the countries so far that visit my site. I hope to see more in the future!!
Yours Truly, Mark Matheny
Country Visitors
1 UNITED STATES 83.6% 1.162
2 CANADA 4.75% 66
4 AUSTRALIA 1.8% 25
5 GERMANY 0.87% 12
6 SWEDEN 0.51% 7
8 SOUTH AFRICA 0.29% 4
9 NEW ZEALAND 0.29% 4
10 SWITZERLAND 0.29% 4
11 POLAND 0.22% 3
12 BELGIUM 0.22% 3
13 SPAIN 0.22% 3
14 BRAZIL 0.22% 3
15 JAPAN 0.22% 3
16 SINGAPORE 0.15% 2
17 SLOVAKIA 0.15% 2
18 ISRAEL 0.15% 2
20 MEXICO 0.15% 2
21 MALAYSIA 0.15% 2
22 FRANCE 0.15% 2
23 ITALY 0.15% 2
24 ROMANIA 0.15% 2
25 IRELAND 0.08% 1
27 COSTA RICA 0.08% 1
28 PANAMA 0.08% 1
29 MACAO 0.08% 1
30 TAIWAN 0.08% 1
31 LITHUANIA 0.08% 1
32 NORWAY 0.08% 1
33 PORTUGAL 0.08% 1
34 DENMARK 0.08% 1
35 INDIA 0.08% 1
36 THAILAND 0.08% 1
37 BHUTAN 0.08% 1
38 PHILIPPINES 0.08% 1
39 SRI LANKA 0.08% 1
40 CROATIA 0.08% 1
41 SLOVENIA 0.08% 1
42 LUXEMBOURG 0.08% 1
43 HONG KONG 0.08% 1
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