The Illuminati Protocols of Zion - The Plot Against Israel Part I and II

March 22, 2015

Part I

Part II

The protocols were written by a Jesuit named Abbe Barruel !! 
again we find another Jesuit involved Conspiracy against the Jews in general.

The Protocols of The Elders of Zion Debunked

The Jesuits were banned in 83 countries , so they had to come up with a plan to remain power) The Bavarian Illuminati was born in 1776 , (Jesuit Adam Weishaupt was trained on Ingolstadt University which is a Jesuit institution) since then all These Papal Jews (Like The Rotschilds and Rockefellers) have gotten all the Important Positions (Knights of malta) , This is why most researchers end up Blaming the Jews in General OR only blame The Zionists while all these powerful Masonic Labour Zionists are Knighted into The Vatican Knighthoods and are all Catholic. Its The Jesuits that control it ALL. The Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines give advice to the Jesuit generals and are more powerful then for example The English Queen who is part of the Black Venetian Nobility Bloodlines.


The Purpose of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is to establish Satan as the Lord of this World, exactly as the Bible says he is. But, at this End of the Age, the Protocols intends to establish Satan as the replacement of God on the throne of the world, to be worshipped and obeyed as God!

No other document in the past 2,000 years has continually set the world on fire more than the Protocols of Zion. Yet, a majority of people consider this Illuminati blueprint to be fraudulent. Marquis shall prove that, while the Protocols is NOT a Jewish conspiracy, it is an Illuminati conspiracy to take over the world for their Masonic Christ.

The Protocols has already set the world on fire many times: 1) Fomented and directed the Great French Revolution (1789-1799); 2) Fomented the great Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 that established Communism; 3) In 1870, planned Three (3) World Wars to stage Antichrist on the world scene. World Wars I & II were precisely carried out. World War III is being set up exactly as The Protocols envisioned, and will be the most bloody war ever; 4) Planned the attacks of 9/11; 5) Planned the global terrorism campaign now underway; 6) Planned economic collapse; 7) Planned the most murderous, most severe global dictatorship history has ever seen. 8) Marquis will reveal other bloody plans.

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